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Post gossip dowager Cindy Adams has been on the concert beat of late, yesterday covering flagging sales for Barbra Streisand's current tour, today looking at the struggles of the Dixie Chicks. But something goes terribly awry when she tries to conflate the band's struggles with those of Connecticut senator Joe Lieberman:

What's happening to this country? Dixie Chicks against Bush so they're out. Joe Lieberman for Bush so he's out. They're singers. He's a senator. They're getting backlash in one part of the U.S.A. He's getting it in another part of the U.S.A. The war isn't in the Middle East. It's here. Red states vs. blue states.

At this point we'd like to apologize to David Brooks for every mean thing we've ever said about him.


NOTE: Please be sure to read the whole column; there is an absolutely groundbreaking exclusive concerning Mayor Bloomberg's whereabouts during 9/11 that you CANNOT MISS.