Dodger Stadium Not Eager To Join Gibson Protests

The angry protestors eager to spread the message of the Mel Gibson Resistance across a variety of outdoor advertising media has once again been foiled by the shadowy, pro-Gibson cabal bent on maintaining congenial relations with studios eager to eventually work with the highly bankable, yet troubled, producer/star. Reports The Scoop, following up its earlier story on the proposed anti-Gibson billboard designed to loom over Sunset Blvd:
After our item ran, a firm that sells space on the electronic billboards at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles and Yankee and Shea Stadiums in New York contacted Andy Behrman, the Los Angeles publicist who was spearheading the effort, saying "Anti-Gibson advertising accepted here." Wrote the account exec: "Being anti-Mel myself....I am happy to deeply discount our rate card for the satisfaction of helping get the message out."
A deal was offered and accepted, but then the company backed out. "My bosses are taking the same stance that the other out of home/billboard companies did with you, in fear of being sued and getting 'negative' publicity," the exec explained in an email. "Sorry to have gotten you all excited; I truly never imagined that we wouldn't be able to get this done."
The publicist is clearly headed for another case of billboard blueballs if he continues to set his sights on sports venues this high-profile; we can hardly see officials from Dodger Stadium allowing the Diamond Vision to flash one of those low-difficutly, in-game trivia contests with the question, "Which Hollywood hotshot recently lead the Hollywood League in accusations that Jews are responsible for all the world's wars? A) Steven Spielberg B) Larry David C) Mel Gibson." What Behrman really needs is a more realistic plan to target a minor-league team desperate to generate some publicity for itself, and who'd be willing to host a Throw Jagged Rocks at a Bound-and-Gagged Guy in a Braveheart Costume Night.