Media Bubble: We Thought He Was Dead

• Wanna work for Lewis Lapham's new publication, More Soporific Than Ambien Quarterly? Well, don't expect any remuneration or anything. On the plus side, he may let you bum a smoke every now and again. [EH]
• WWD moves the ball on Wenner's buyback of Us Weekly: It's either "a sign of genius or fear." We just thought it was a sign that Jann likes to throw money around. [WWD]
• Think your media organization has problems? (Okay, if you're at Wired News, you're right.) Over in London reporters are actually getting arrested. And not in the good Josh Wolf way. [WSJ]
• Sure, Iran's president is a complete loon who would probably like to see us burning in a lake of fire, but anyone who makes fun of Mike Wallace can't be all bad. [THR]