Even HuffPo's Scandals Lame, Uninspiring
So everybody loves Contagious Festival, right? Oh, you know, HuffPo's monthly contest that allows "original work by talented designers, activists, filmmakers and comics" to share their Snakes on a Plane parody with the world? Still not ringing a bell? Eh, either way, things seem to have taken a turn for the worse. Accusations of favoritism and manipulation have reared their ugly heads. Look:

Something's fishy in HuffPo land, alright. Who's responsible for this stunning malfeasance? Jealous auteur Rachel Sklar? Saggy-necked scribbler Nora Ephron? Clooney-quoting mogul Arianna herself? We want answers, people.
Actually, no we don't. As you were.
Sub-Iraqian Homesick Blues... [HuffPo]
Earlier: HuffPo Tickle Tape Only Tolerable If You Imagine Porn Music Soundtrack In Background