Boy George Is Your Garbage Man

Today's the day! George O'Dowd, nee Boy George, begins his weeklong community service festival today by working for the Department of Sanitation. He'll be picking up trash off the streets of Manhattan, for which purpose he was issued "a shovel, broom, plastic bags and gloves." B-George reported for duty to the Lower East Side sanitation depot at 7 a.m. this morning "wearing dark capri pants, shoes without socks, a sweatshirt, and without the wild makeup that made him so recognizable." As his community service punishment for reporting a false break-in and non-false cocaine possession, Boy George "initially envisioned a service project more in line with his status as an '80s icon," but instead he's on garbage duty. Of course, we really want photos of this seminal moment. If you spot Boy George cleaning up the streets, drop us a line at and we'll dispatch our hordes of howling paparazzi. Or send us a scouting photo yourself. Be sure to provide complete location info, and any further physical details that will help us ID the target.
UPDATE: The AP has the first on-scene pics. Find that location! We're thinking Chinatown around Canal, a few blocks east of Allen, maybe near the bridge.
UPDATE 2: Sadly, after barely an hour of sweeping, Boy George got into a spat with the assembled media dogging him through the streets. "You think you're better than me? Go home. Let me do my community service," warbled the former popstar. He was then reassigned to a gated sanitation parking lot, and will likely do the rest of his tour de garbage indoors and away from our collectively prying eyes. More's the pity.
Boy George reports for trash duty [AP]
[Photo: Getty Images]