September Issues: Fall Fashion Weigh-In #2
Last night we took another trip to the newsstand to fetch more of the beastly September fashion glossies, but this time things were toned down a notch. Rather than haul another 9.5 pounds of aspirational crap, we went more towards the featherweights. Next round, we'll suck it up and grab the heavyweights like InStyle or the 650-page Vogue. And when we're all done? Just you wait. We're going to take all these fuckers and build ourselves a coffee table.
In this featherweight installment, we put Jane, Cosmopolitan, Marie Claire and Elle on the Tanita scale. After the jump, round two of our fat-circling project.

• Jane definitely weighs less than a pound but, when combined with all the other magazines, the scale kept reading 6.5 lbs., as opposed to the more accurate 6 lbs. But who needs the rules of arithmetic? Not our scale! Tanita is so Jane.
• Who the hell is on the cover of Cosmo? Fake Denise Richards? Poor man's Jessica Simpson?
• Elle weighs more than Lohan herself.