Jennifer Garner Feeling Fine After 'Kingdom' Crew Member's Death

A fatal accident on the set of the Jamie Foxx and Jennifer Garner movie The Kingdom has claimed the life of Nick Papac, a 25-year-old assistant propmaster. It's a sad, terrible event, which Access Hollywood sensitively handles by bundling it with another nearly averted Kingdom tragedy: the female lead's heat-induced fainting spell:
Just after shooting ended Saturday, Nick Papac, 25, of Los Angeles was driving an all-terrain vehicle on the freeway, which had been closed to the public, NBC reported.
Papac crashed the golf-cart-sized vehicle into a SUV carrying the director of the film, according to a press release from officials with the movie.
After paramedics with Universal Pictures/Forward Pass attended to Papac, he was airlifted to a local hospital, where he died a few hours later from severe head injuries, according to NBC. [...]
Papac's death was the second, far worse, accident that has plagued "The Kingdom."
Garner passed out due to the heat while filming the movie last week, according to an online report. [...]
On Friday, Access obtained this exclusive statement from Jen's rep:
"Jennifer wasn't feeling well after working all day Friday (August 4) in the Arizona heat, went to the hospital and was released the next morning. She is back on set and healthy."
On Saturday, August 12, Access Hollywood's Billy Bush sat down with Garner's husband, Ben Affleck, to find out the latest on Jen's condition.
"How is Jen doing?" Billy asked.
"She's great. Absolutely fabulous," Ben said. "Today she's in a desert, upside-down spinning around in car that's pretending to have been blown up in 110-degree heat in Phoenix."
We realize it's probably tough for Access Hollywood to squeeze in a heavy story like this in between up-to-the-minute reports on Tori Spelling's feud with her mom, but if they're going to do a story about an actual vehicular fatality, they at least could have spared us Affleck's "Jennifer is having so much fun lately pretending to be in car accidents!" anecdote.