Hollywood PrivacyWatch: Jake Gyllenhaal And Ben Stiller Paw Virgin Racks

PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are submitted by our readers, and are now posted several times a week—so start sending them in more often! Send yours to tips[AT]defamer.com (please put "sighting" or "PrivacyWatch" in the subject line) and let everyone know about the time you shared an elevator ride with a verrry flirtatious former Friends star.
Ed.note: It's been brought to our attention that our "lead" sighting on a truly amazing, star-studded day of Xtina CD shopping at the Sunset Virgin Megastore is a fake. Wasn't fooling us on items we're open about not fact-checking so much fun? So consider the story of Ben Stiller and Jake Gyllenhaal what it is: really poor fan-fic. If you're going to make stuff up, why not at least have Stiller bending Jake over a display of Brokeback DVDs and have some fun with it?
Ed.note 2: The sighting's author assure us it's real and that the person on that Gyllenhaal fan site is an impostor stirring up trouble. We believe him, so it's safe to go back to believing in the magic of celebrities walking among us. But seriously, the only thing that could possibly be sadder than faking a sighting is pretending to have faked a sighting. Our minds are kind of blown.
In today's episode: Jake Gyllenhaal and Ben Stiller; Drew Barrymore; Justin Timberlake; Matthew Perry; John Kerry; Matt Dillon; Eva Longoria and Kyra Sedgwick; Seann William Scott; Tori Spelling; Kathy Griffin; Terence Stamp; Christina Ricci; John Krasinski; Naveen Andrews; Barry Watson; Jeri Ryan; Johnny Galecki; Jeanne Tripplehorn; Robert Rey; Heidi Fleiss; Ann Coulter; Janice Dickinson and Tony Cox.
· 8/14: Perusing the DVDs at Virgin Megastore at Sunset and Crescent Heights was Jake Gyllenhaal and his guy friend Austin Nichols. Nichols was on crutches. I commented to my friend, "There's Gyllenbaalls with his lame friend, whatshisface." My friend replied, "Lame...literally." So they looked through the DVDs and we decided to leave. On the way out, my friend almost ran right into Ben Stiller checking out the new releases. I'd like to think that JG and BS were there awaiting midnight when Christina Aguilera's new CD was dropping. They look like dirrty fans.
· 8/13: Saw Little Girl Lost herself, Ms. Drew Barrymore at the Baja Fresh across from the Arclight. She was petite, wearing some sort of jean jacket and black leggings. She was with some sort of hipster douche bag types who looked like they let a Cuisenart food processor cut their hair. She looked like she was in a rush and like she didn't want to be noticed. She has gorgeous Marie Osmond-doll-porcelain-like skin, even under Baja Fresh fluorescent lighting.
· Justin Timberlake racing in and out of Bristol Farms, Beverly Bl.
Matthew Perry, Sierra Towers elevator - his neighbors might complain about his rudeness, but he was verrry flirtatious
· Saw John Kerry at the Chateau Marmont Sunday August 13th around 8pm. He said he was meeting his daughter for dinner to which the hostess replied "Name?" she got a very hesitant ".....Kerry?" in reply. Also stomping around in the foyer was Matt Dillon dressed in all black.
· August 9th- I was at Toast for a lunch meeting (a girl needs her red velvet cupcake fix!) when the sight of leaping photographers alerted me to what was sure to be a celeb sighting. Sure enough, Eva Longoria was soon to follow. I was praying for a diva temper tantrum, but unfortunately she was all smiles and sweetness. Shortly after that I noticed a Ms. Kyra Sedgwick dining with what looked to be her mother. I guess I'm not the only one in town with a cupcake fetish.
· the guy that played Stiffler in American Pie ( Seann William Scott) at Zekes Smokehouse for lunch today. Much better looking than I expected.
Also saw Eva Longoria leaving the Marmont last Thursday, alongside a rather rotund man, and about 1000 shutterbugs.
· Monday (8/14) I'm at the Brentwood dog park with my Basset, talking to a friend, when I notice an incredibly hot blonde petting my dog across the park. I start to walk over to use the "Sorry, is my dog bothering you? Why don't you take off your pants." line, and when I get closer, I realize that it is Tori Spelling. Don't know if she was there with anyone else, or with a dog for that matter, but now I have to go get my eyes checked and my dog autoclaved.
· Friday 8/11 - Some friends and I were walking towards the Knitting Factory to see Bjorkestra (which was a great show, by the way) when we saw a group of teenage girls shrieking and jumping up and down. My eagle-eyed friend noticed the queen of the D-List, Kathy Griffin, standing in the middle of the teenage scream-fest. We waited until she'd finished with them and said hello, laughing because we'd just been discussing her show at dinner minutes earlier. She perked up when she heard this and asked if we'd like a picture - she was with a guy-pal and he offered to snap the shot. She was nice as could be, allowing my friend to spin her around and wrap his arms around her. She's so tiny, much shorter and more petite than she appears on television.
· Just saw that limey Terence Stamp walking past Lula's in Santa Monica. He scared me, but in a good way.
· Christina Ricci at the Deathcab/Spoon/Mates of State show 8/14 at the Greek, sans the Hebrew Hammer (maybe he's repainting). She was with a girlfriend, looked unbelievably gorgeous. She is 4 feet tall with a perfect body. Sadly, Cohen was nowhere to be seen. Maybe backstage.
· John Krasinski (Jim from The Office) is my new crush. So tall, so cute, and so nice. Saw him at The Greek on Sunday (8/13) for the Mates of State, Spoon, and Death Cab for Cutie show. I was extremely drunk and he was extremely kind. He got off of his cell phone to say hello to my friend and I. He even allowed me to force him into a picture and a hug. Such a cool guy for putting up with me (I've seen the picture and I looked certifiable).
· My friend and I were hauling down San Vicente on our weekly marathon training run when we spotted Lost's Naveen Andrews pumping gas into his silver Porsche at the station on the corner of 26th and San Vicente. He was dressed just like Sayid, tank top, buff and tan, except he had sunglasses on (did no glasses make it through the crash?). I kind of wanted to jog over and say hi, but chickened out due to being all sweaty and in dorky running gear. No two ways about it, the man is hot.
· 8/15, 9:30am, spotted Barry Watson at the car wash at Beverly Drive and Pico. He was pacing and talking on his cell over where they dry off the cars. It did not occur to me at the time to try to figure out which car was his, because I was trying too hard not to drool. He's gorgeous.
· Saturday 8/12: I was shopping on Robertson and spotted Jeri Ryan (of Star Trek, Boston Public and the new series Shark). I was inside Diavolina when Jeri walked in and began browsing the fantastic shoe section. The salesgirl warned her that the paparazzi (one guy with a camera) was outside. She continued to browse as the lone cameraman snapped shots while standing right outside the door to the store. She was wearing a belted dress and heels and looked quite pretty in person.
· I was just at Gelson's, starting my shopping journey in the meat section, when a fine young piece of beefcake sidled up beside me....the adorable Johnny Galecki (aka David from Roseanne). He looked good, kinda shy and sweet, just my type. But I grabbed my
chicken and moved on without him even noticing me. Sigh.
· Saw Jeanne Tripplehorn the first wife from HBO's big love @ Santa Palm Car Wash today @ about 11:00 AM. She sunk off to sit on the side of the building away from all the other car wash patrons to catch up with one of her mommy friends.
· This morning at about 7am on Beverly Blvd., heading east, about 2 blocks east of La Cienega, I was stopped at a red light next to Dr. Robert Rey (aka "Dr. 90210"). He was in a brand new Porsche with paper temporary license plates from Beverly Hills Porsche (duh — where else would Dr. 90210 get his Porsche?). He had already installed a license plate frame that humbly pointed out that he is a Harvard alum. Best of all, the good doctor was applying pancake makeup to his face while driving.
· 8/14 Atwater Village's "Pampered Birds" spotted Heidi Fleiss shopping for her birdies, with someone who looked a lot like her, her sister, I presume. She looked healthy and thin, pretty. She was incredibly polite. Atwater Village is cute and getting cuter.
· I was at Kate Mantellini for a breakfast meeting, where I ran into my aunt (not famous), and then I saw long tall pretty-on-the-outside/ugly-on-the-outside Ann Coulter. Is Ann Coulter a celeb? I was going to throw "those potatoes" at her, but instead I just threw up. Rumor has it she was eating puppies and kittens for breakfast.
· Saw Janice Dickinson twice last week at the Starbucks on Beverly Glen. Both times it looked like she was just coming from a run, wearing fairly blah looking shorts and a sports bra. The first time she talked loudly on her cell while waiting in line. We all couldn't help wondering who she was talking to, as she professed how important the person was in her life. She seemed pretty dramatic, to say the least.
· Hollywood Trader Joe's on Santa Monica Blvd. 9:00 am this morning (8/17). I noticed a very loud, very energetic, wildly gesticulating woman at the register beside me. It was Janice Dickinson, looking just like the hot mess she was in those recent "no makeup" photos. Good body, nice outfit, but her face looks bizarre. Her skin was like brown leather. Tightly stretched brown leather. You could see every ripple of muscle under the surface of her pulling skin. And her lips looked like someone had "colored outside the lines" even though she wasn't wearing lipstick.
Then there was her behavior. Even though she was presumably checking out at the register, she was still holding a shopping list and calling out one item at a time. A TJ employee would say, "We have that. Let me show you where." and she would reply "Hey babe, you rock" and run off behind him. This happened about three times and each time she'd yell things like, "You're such a rock star," and "That's cool, hon." Like I said, she was very energetic.
Finally, she stumped everyone with her last request when she asked if they had "Jar Deli." She kept saying it (really shouting) over and over, "jar-deli, jar-i-deli, jar-dee-elli." Finally she showed someone her list and they exclaimed, "Oh, Ghirardelli. Yeah, we have that." "Awesome. This place totally rocks. They have everything."
· 8-14 Bad Santa's Tony Cox at a late, 3pm lunch at Coco's on Pico between Robertson and La Cienega.