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He's the Crash producer still steaming over a credit dispute that cost him his moment of Oscar glory. She's the Crash producer who places her Best Picture statuette on the mantel, pretends its shiny, bald head is his clean-shaven pate, then loses hours screaming at it for her long overdue payday. Together, they're the entertainment industry's credit-and-payment disputin'est couple, Bob Yari and Cathy Schulman. The latest scene of Bob & Cathy: A Hollywood Love Story, in which the spatting former partners engage in a heated round of mutual invitation-withholding related to the premiere of The Illusionist, a film they worked on together at the time in their backstory before the lawsuits began, unfolds in today's Page Six

"I was not invited to the premiere," Shulman confirmed to Page Six. "I went as Paul Giamatti's date."

"When I saw [Yari], I said hello. He didn't say anything, but let's put it this way - if looks could kill . . . and they didn't give me a wristband to get in the VIP section of the after-party."

Not that Schulman minded. We hear she joined the cast at Norton's pad on East 10th Street for a super-exclusive after-party - to which Yari was not invited.

"It's just an unfortunate and unnecessary situation," she said. "I still haven't been paid for 'Crash' or 'The Illusionist.' "

Oh, those two! The petty antics continued deep into the night, until Schulman stopped answering her cellphone, finally tired of having the private cast after-party interrupted by a series of calls from "Blocked Caller ID" consisting of nothing more than the sound of a toilet flushing and a man giggling uncontrollably.