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On Sunday, August 6, the Times Magazine published an article entitled, "Pop Goes Feminist," in which the word "bitch" is used about as frequently as it is amongst the girls of Laguna Beach. Most people hardly bat an eye at the word's usage, but not the publishers at Siman-James Press. In November 2005, the Times published two different articles pertaining to their author Jennifer Shahade's Chess Bitch: Women in the Ultimate Intellectual Sport, and also published one op-ed by Shahade herself; in all three instances, the paper refused to print the title of Shahade's book. So when "Pop Goes Feminist" contained 10 usages of "bitch," Simian-Press has resumed its bitching in a letter to the editor:

But now it is permissible to flaunt a word once so dastardly you dared not print it? Did The Times' community standards and sense of taste change so radically in the past few months? Or have you finally come to terms in admitting that your moral indignation and egregious conduct of the past must be dispatched and your policies more accurately reflect the world around you?

Doubt that last point, lest they finally let Frank Rich write about those motherfucking snakes on his motherfucking plane.*

Aren't Editors a Bitch? [LA Observed]

*Just imagining these words coming out of Frank's jolly mouth, his eyes a-sparklin', makes us inexplicably happy.