Media Critic Congratulates Himself on Grasp of the Obvious

Humility is a character trait in short supply among the media; confidence much less so. Put the two traits together, however, and you find a rare sort of dignity. The merely confident man, when proven right in a prediction he's made, will shout it from the mountaintops. The man of humility is secure enough in his judgment that he has no urge to trumpet his correctness. What makes the humble man so admirable is his restraint: "Yes," he says, "I was right this time. Next time I may be wrong. I see no need to brag."
Jon Friedman is a confident man. In today's Marketwatch column he notes that "As I suspected in a column last month, Time is bidding for more readers and advertisers by changing its publication date so that subscribers are sure to receive the magazine by Saturday. See my prescient thoughts here."
Jon also makes the stunning analogy that CNN is like the Democrats and Fox is like the Republicans. Don't forget where you heard it first.