Princess Coldstare Continues Reign of Aloofness in 'Elle'

For the love of sweet baby Christ! Do you see this? Do you? Yeah, that's right — it's Leigh "Princess Coldstare" Lezark, the lady of MisShapes, and it's from page 406 of the September Elle. Yesterday, she was modeling circus costumes in Thursgay Styles; two weeks ago, her fellow MisShapes pictured were sipping rosé in Sunday Styles. Now it's a high-end, multi-pound fashion monthly.
So where else are these ubiquitous fuckers? Somebody please warn us before we open InStyle and find an item on Lezark's vintage tap pants collection. Even better: either a mass-market, national glossy puts the MisShapes/Lezark on the cover, or everyone agrees to never, ever mention these children again. At least if they're on the cover, then we're prepared and know they're coming when we open the mag. As it is right now, we're tired of browsing our trivial Styles sections and magazines and being assaulted, time after time, with surprise attacks from the goddamn 'Shapes.
After the jump, the Lezark-focused excerpt from Elle. It's an article about bright makeup, and apparently the Princess is in "the center of it all." Obviously.