Goings On About Town

Did you head out to the Hamptons this weekend? Hope you had a great time! Here are a few things you may have missed in the news: In New Jersey, a handyman was arrested for having sexually abused at least eleven children, the youngest being 23 months old. Also in New Jersey, state investigators "discovered" that a day care center had been built on the site of a former mercury thermometer factory, and at least twenty of the kids who spent time there are now showing abnormally high levels of the element in their systems. Over on Long Island, a 31-year-old bedding salesman who lived with his parents murdered and dismembered a 57-year-old neighbor, putting her head in his trunk. And here in town, a filmmaker catcalled a woman outside of the IFC; she and six of her friends (and, allegedly, random passersby) began to assault him; he was eventually stabbed in the stomach with a steak knife.
On the other hand, the Yanks took four from the Sox, so it wasn't all bad. Welcome back!
Prosecutors Call Handyman a Sex Predator
After Mercury Pollutes a Day Care Center, Everyone Points Elsewhere
Man Accused of Dismembering a Neighbor
Man Is Stabbed in Attack After Admiring a Stranger [NYT]