• Madonna's tour was ridiculously inaccessible, so B.B. King's hosts the next best thing: a bunch of impersonators singing the same songs for a fraction of the price. After a few drinks, you won't even be able to tell La'Shelle from the Material Girl. [Paper]
• It's not your last chance to see Rocky, but it is your last chance to see Rocky at the Bryant Park Film Festival, which ends after tonight's showing. See how many times you can scream, "Yo, Adrian!" at the screen before someone throws an empty beer can at your face. [Upcoming]
• Matthew De Gennaro likes to play the wire; David Grubbs digs minimalist piano ballads. See their experimental madness tonight with Alog — a Norwegian duo that works in "detail-rich puzzles of samples, field-recording snippets, and live instrumentation." Just another offering from your high-minded friends at Flavorpill. [flavorpill]