Jamie Gold: The $6 Million Voicemails

Wicked Chops Poker's blog points us to today's Las Vegas Sun story about a lawsuit filed against fame-fearing, resume-embellishing former agent and World Series of Poker champion Jamie Gold by Crispin Leyser, a "television producer" (given Gold's disputed background, we feel the need for ironic quotes on Hollywood occupations referenced in the story) claiming that Gold promised him half of his $12 million winnings for arranging the high-powered celebrity presence of Matthew "Scooby" Lillard and Dax "Punk'd" Shepherd for Bodog.com, who in return paid for Gold's seat at the tournament. According to the lawsuit, Leyser has voicemails from Gold promising him his 50-percent cut of the final table winnings (after taxes, naturally):
About three hours beforehand, at 10:52 a.m., Gold left a message for Leyser, according to the complaint, in which he tried to reassure Leyser that he would be getting half of whatever after-tax winnings Gold won that day.
"I promise you - you can keep this recording on my word - there's no possible way you're not going to get half after taxes," Leyser claims that Gold said in the telephone message. "So please just be with me. I can't imagine you're going to have a problem with it. I just don't want any stress about any money or any of that (expletive) going on today, or even after the end of the day."
Later in the recording, Gold allegedly said: "But please just trust me. You've trusted me the whole way, you can trust me a little bit more. I promise you there's no way anybody will go anywhere with your money. It's your money." [...]
But Leyser claims Gold now refuses to direct the Rio to pay him his $6 million. He also claims that Gold broke their contract and defrauded him, among other things.
We hereby retract any doubts we may have raised about Gold's background: If these voicemails do in fact exist, they clearly display an accomplished agent's gift for fucking someone over.