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The time: 2 p.m.
The date: August 20.
The place: Bank Street at Greenwich Street.
Sighted: "Mike Myers on my stoop on Bank and Greenwich with a much younger hipster chick making out. He is super polite."

Ah Mike Myers — living proof that no matter what George Clooney says, Gawker Stalker is simply a harmless tool we civilians can use to observe, from a non-threatening distance, the life of a celebrity. And let's face it; if the Stalk had a hall of fame, a Mike Myers wax figure would be right next to the re-creation of Lindsay Lohan in a bathroom stall at Bungalow 8.

For this reason, the above sighting filled us with joy when it arrived in our inbox. Mike has had a rough time of it over the past year. First, there were the months leading up to his divorce from wife-of-12-years Robin Ruzan, in which an increasingly bloated and inebriated Mike was spotted all over the city.

More recently, Myers seemed to have turned to hockey to fill the gaping void of lost love, refusing to leave the house without the comfort of his stick. (We typically use food, but he's Canadian, they're weird.)

Now it looks like Mike has found himself a new love, one of the female variety. The hipster in question would appear to be Kelly Tisdale, former girlfriend of bald-techno-guy Moby and co-owner of the hipster den Teany. Googling reveals that Mike and Kelly even took a romantic vacation together to Hawaii back in June.

So congratulations, Mike. Despite our sometimes less-than-charitable nature, we are truly happy to see you happy. Now maybe make a movie that doesn't absolutely blow, and we can begin to justify the amount of coverage we give you.

Gawker Stalker