Jamie Gold: His Flacks Speak

The Wicked Chops Poker blog has alerted us that a statement, along with a thousand white doves artfully adorned with red and black card suits, has been released from the windows of B/W/R, the publicity firm hired by widely contested former "Hollywood agent" Jamie Gold just moments after winning the World Series of Poker championship. As you may recall, for some reason, Gold's associate Crispin Leyser is suing for half of the $12 million winnings—the miscommunication might have something to do with the message Gold left on Leyser's voicemail, saying, "I promise you - you can keep this recording on my word - there's no possible way you're not going to get half after taxes."
"Jamie Gold is disappointed that the plaintiff, a person he has only known since July of this year, has elected to file litigation rather than continue the parties' discussions in an effort to find a resolution to this matter.
"Mr. Gold believes strongly in the American judicial system and believes that it is better to present his case there than to try the matter before the court of public opinion.
It's a fairly uninspired piece of flacksmanship, and one that prudently resists repeating what Gold has emphatically explained to his counsel and reps many times now: that yes, he knowingly said those words on a recording device, but that not only were his fingers and legs crossed at the time, so were the fingers and legs of the celebratory hooker he was fucking on the gigantic pile of cash he had just been awarded when he happened to make the call.