Thanks to everyone who voted in last week's poll; you can use this address to send us future nominations.

The polls have closed, and your winner is Robert Yoon, whose piece on the pardon of a Deliverance extra who totally did not stage-rape Ned Beatty was far and away your favorite of the week. Mr. Yoon wins a copy of My Summer of Deliverance by Christopher Dickey. After the jump, this week's first nominee.

On August 8, after the Wall Street Journal published Bernard Lewis' now-famous "Holy Fuck, They're Going to Kill Us All" essay, we asked, "[A]re they fucking kidding with this shit? What's next, numerology? A Nostradamus column?" Well, it's never wise to underestimate the appeal of crazy; as Wonkette pointed out on Friday, the WSJ fronted this article on the effect that Pluto's demotion would have on the profession of astrology. The whole thing is a hoot (in the sense that, you know, lunacy is a hoot), but we're going to have to agree with Wonkette about the best passage:

Others warned that Scorpios — people born between Oct. 23 and Nov. 21 — should be especially cautious in the coming days because the sign is closely associated with Pluto.

"Scorpios can be extremely explosive, and very direct, and this could be the trigger that makes them explode," says Milton Black, an Australian astrologer who claims to have more than 580,000 clients. Laura Bush, Hillary Clinton and Condoleezza Rice, take note. All three are Scorpios.

We'll have another entry tomorrow. Until then, keep watching the stars.

Pluto's Demotion Divides Astrologers, Troubles Scorpios