• Ahh, the curious charm of U.S. Open: where, over the next two weeks, 650,000 people will gladly pay through the nose for the privilege of dining on overpriced lobster roll as they watch players with last names they can't pronounce. If you're gonna go, avoid Arthur Ashe stadium for the high-quality play (and better seats) of the outer courts.

• Mo Pitkins takes a page out of the Survivor playbook and hosts Patrick Borelli's Stand Up Showdown, which is conveniently organized as a battle of the sexes. Someone need only pit some heteros against the 'mos in an inane competition to complete the trifecta.
[Mo Pitkins]

• Drink at Work joins forces with Yankee Pot Roast to host a night of "urbane, cultivated literary hilarity not seen since an inebriated Robert Benchley told an inebriated George S. Kaufman to go blow an inebriated Robert Sherwood, all to the delight of an inebriated Dorothy Parker." Something about Bea Arthur, too.
[Drink at Work]