Sightings are sent in by readers and posted to our Gawker Stalker Map. This is our occasional, old-school compilation. Send your sightings to

In this version of the Way-Back Machine Gawker Stalker: Usher, Penelope Cruz, Woody Allen, Matt Dillon, Paul Bettany, Jennifer Connelley, Harvey Keitel, Jessica Simpson, Janeane Garafolo, Missy Elliot, Mos Def, Petra Nemcova, Justin Theroux, Liv Tyler, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Heather Matarazzo, Sam Rockwell, Alessandro Nivola and Emily Mortimer, Jared Leto, Amanda Bynes, Andy Roddick, Tracy Morgan, Jimmy Fallon, Serena Williams, Jonathan Safran Foer, Uma Thurman, John Ventimiglia, Molly Shannon, Judy Collins, Vin Diesel, and, in the caboose, as it were, ass-graber Christian Slater

Last night I was working out at New York Health and Racket Club on 56th around 4PM. I look down into court and who do I see but Usher playing racquetball with another big muscley guy. Usher looked up twice and smiled. He has the best dimples!!!

Saw Penelope Cruz rushing out of Soho House to give a cabbie instructions on where to drive two friends/family members who walked out ahead of her.

Saw Woody Allen walking east on 86th St. hand in hand with a sweet looking little girl around 5 years old. Don't think it could be his, but probably some granddaughter. He looked like he was in search of some store that he couldn't find as he seemed a bit lost in his own neighborhood.

Me, my friend and her husband were just leaving a restaurant in the east village, and walking down the street, we passed Matt Dillon and a friend walking the opposite way. We turn around and followed him a few blocks, but he caught on and turned back at us and stared. He didn't say anything and neither did we. We stopped at that point. He was wearing jeans and a black t-shirt. Very attractive in person!!!!

Paul Bettany, Jennifer Connelley, Harvey Keitel and their children eating dinner at Bread Tribeca restaurant last night.

We saw Jessica Simpson at Blue Ribbon Bakery eating lunch and drinking wine with 2 friends. She's gorgeous!

Saturday 8/26, 11:15 p.m. - on way from seeing Changing Times (excellent) to eating at Stanton Social (delish) passed Janeane Garafolo with two dogs in tow, talking to a man leaning out of his car window and explaining that he didn't know she had so many dogs. They seemed to know each other. After we passed my boyfriend told me for the 10,000th time that his ex-best friend knew someone who lived with JG a decade ago and thought she was "a heinous bitch."

On a flight on 8/26 with Missy Elliot and entourage from Istanbul to NY. She performed at the Formula 1. Cris wasn't popped and wrists weren't iced; Missy slept most of the way in 1st class while her crew was stuck with me in coach. Missy was in one of her various states of chubby, wearing a huge black t shirt and jeans, but her dancers made up for it— toned and damn good looking dudes.

My friends and I passed Mos Def coming out of the Astor Place Subway stop headed west. He wasn't at all incognito talking loudly on his cell phone in a nondescript but well fit black sweatshirt. He was shorter than expected but looked really relaxed. Saturday Aug 28 @ 3pm or so.

August 27, 7:00 pm: Petra Nemcova getting a pedicure with a friend at Spa Belle in SoHo. She seemed happy and her friend was very loud.

Just saw Justin Theroux (Six Feet Under, Alias, Sex and the City) in Clay on 14th in between 5th and 6th. Was walking around the gym and working out in his sunglasses the entire time. Had on a funky fedora when he left. Really, really sexy and sweet even though the sunglass thing made him look like an asshole.

Saw Liv Tyler as I was entering the Chelsea Market on 9th Avenue. She was heading out, pushing a baby carriage and had a round band-aid on her cheek. She was not wearing makeup and looked beautiful naturally. We made eye contact.

Very pregnant Maggie Gyllenhaal having lunch with Peter Sarsgaard and another couple (woman also pregnant) at Cafe Sabarsky in the Neue Galerie @2 on August 25.
Saw Heather Matarazzo today around 11:30am as she was walking down 1st Ave, at 72nd St. She was with a much more lesbian-looking friend - short blonde hair, the kind of lesbian that reminds me of liberal arts colleges and Massachusetts. They weren't very girlfriendy or anything. Heather was wearing jeans and a green track jacket, and smoking. But with all the gayness and famous-for-being-homeliness, she still has the most gorgeous hair. Freaking celebrities.
Seen Sam Rockwell, sitting alone at an outside caf next to Rosa Mexicano's at 9 east 18th street. He was wearing black glasses and reading.
Spotted Alessandro Nivola and Emily Mortimer squiring their small blonde toddler at the corner of 5th Ave & Dean Street in Park Slope, Brooklyn. Looked like the perfect Park Slope family out for a late morning stroll. If I didn't know who they were, I would have thought they were just my neighbors.

Jared Leto at Cain last night 8/26. He was wearing eye makeup and looked beyond horrible. I guess the gout doesn't agree with him.

I just spotted Amanda Bynes in Dylan's Candy Bar. She was with her new beau "How I Met Your Mother" writer Phil Lord. I said hello and she was extremely friendly and pretty in person. She said she was on her way up to Toronto to start filming her next film "Hairspray"

Andy Roddick spotted with a mystery brown haired girl at Campagnola Aug. 24th at 10:30pm. Isn't he with that blonde tennis player? Didn't seem so last night.

Tracy Morgan at Times Square, hanging out outside ESPNZone with about 40 hangers-on. Looked pretty high.

Saw Jimmy Fallon last night at the Neko Case show at McCarren Pool. Was wearing what appeared to be really comfortable, almost goofy clothing. Still cute. Someone from backstage gave him a really large umbrella.

Serena Williams at Paragon Sports on Broadway and 18th at 330pm today

I spotted Katie Couric outside of CBS on 57th btw. 10th and 11th Aves. An assistant was holding an umbrella over her as they were waiting for a cab. She looked great!

For the last two days in a row, I've seen Jonathan Safran Foer, with cellphone and laptop, at Ozzie's cafe on 5th Avenue in Park Slope. See, because his house isn't big enough for an office.
Just saw Uma Thurman seeing a friend off at the Hampton Jitney stop on 40th and lex. She was wearing a green velour sweatsuit. Tall and naturally pretty, but ordinary. I didn't notice her at first. She looked relaxed and happy. I would probably too, if i were her.

Just saw John Ventimiglia (Artie Bucco) on Seventh Ave in Park Slope on the corner of Berkeley Place. He was sitting outside Taqueria looking tan and casual in shorts while chatting on his cellphone.

Molly Shannon lunching with an equally Irish looking, though much her junior female friend at Tartine - sounded like they were talking shop. Over eggs.

Last night at Tupelo, I spotted Judy Collins (aka Suite: Judy Blue Eyes) dining before the Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young show. She was wearing her trademark large hat.

Saw Vin Diesel and some guy riding bikes in Madison Square Park yesterday.
He was super hot and made mine and my friends' day. The muscles the muscles.

Saw Christian Slater this morning at 9:45 on 7th at 31st. He was wearing sunglasses and a black shirt, walking with another man. He's pretty tall, which surprised me b/c he looks so petite on-screen.