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NBC and its networks will provide a full-court press of coverage on the fifth anniversary of the September 11 attacks, calling on current NBC News journalists as well as former anchor Tom Brokaw and former Today co-host Jane Pauley.

Meanwhile, new CBS Evening News anchor Katie Couric will interview President Bush for an hour long primetime special that will air September 6 called Five Years Later: How Safe Are We? It also will feature Lara Logan, Byron Pitts, David Martin and Jim Stewart.

ABC News hasn't formally announced its plans, though Charles Gibson will anchor a special Primetime on the September 11 anniversary that will begin shortly after 10 p.m. at the conclusion of the second part of ABC's four-hour miniseries The Path to 9/11. The special will look at the country's security and also why Osama bin Laden has yet to be caught. ABC's Good Morning America will broadcast live from St. Paul's Chapel across from the site of the World Trade Center, and Nightline and World News also will have coverage.

Leaving only Spike TV, who, rumor has it, will be running an animated special on the attacks featuring the vocal talents of Pamela Anderson, Anna Kournikova, and Jimmy Kimmel, called September 11, Two Thousand and Tits.

NBC to Mark 9/11 with Giuliani, Survivors [Reuters]