Jeffrey Epstein and The Box: Was "The Tug" Already Taken?

From this weekend's Styles section, a little nightlife preview:
The Box
A pedigreed crew is behind this surrealistic dinner-theater on the Lower East Side. Owners include Simon Hammerstein, the 28-year-old grandson of Oscar; Randy Weiner, the "Donkey Show'' writer; and Serge Becker, the night life impresario. The actors Jude Law and Rachel Weisz sit on the board of the opera house-cum-concert saloon, which will open in early October. The entertainment will be eccentric: Thai fighters one night and opera singers in Mexican wrestling masks the next. (189 Chrystie Street)
Now this is total rumor, but another pedigreed individual said to be behind The Box is billionaire financier Jeffrey Epstein — who, of course, has been accused of soliciting massages and handjobs from underage girls. Anyone know of anything more? We want to believe it, if only because his involvement would help to explain the venue name.
...And Other New Clubs [NYT]
Earlier: Gawker's Coverage of Jeffrey Epstein