• Hewlett-Packard won't give George Keyworth a chance at re-election for the board next March, after the director leaked info to CNET, got investigated by chairwoman Patricia Dunn, and refused to resign despite his fellow directors' demands. Meanwhile, California's attorney general is investigating HP's investigation. Dunn, Keyworth, and former director Tom Perkins are exchanging barbs, each accusing another of violating their privacy. [Bloomberg]
  • Old news will exist again, thanks to the new Google News Archive Search, which Google will announce today. Some archives will stretch back over 200 years. [NY Times, no reg]
  • Intel cans ten thousand employees as expected, meanwhile planning to build new factories. [NY Times, no reg]
  • Webmail provider Tucows bought Kiko for the same reason the web calendar company failed: Kiko isn't really a product, but it's a great feature. [Tucows Blog]