Sightings are sent in by readers and posted to our Gawker Stalker Map. This is our occasional, old-school compilation. Send yours to

In this traditional version of the Stalk: Axl Rose, Tommy Hilfiger, the Olsen Twins, Ron Jeremy, Diddy, Paris Hilton, Brandon Davis, Fergie, Sebastian Bach, and Sarah Mills all at (or trying to be at) Bungalow 8 after the VMAs; Nich Lachey and Vanessa Minillo, Eve and Jessica Simpson, Jessica Simpson again, Cintra Wilson, Chris Noth, Usher, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton, Spike Lee, Adrien Brody, Morgan Spurlock, Mark McGrath, Snoop Dogg, Gavin Rossdale, Gwen Stefani, Seal, Heidi Klum, Jack Black, Sofia Coppola, Colin Firth, David Byrne, Wayne Gretzky and Janet Jones, Helen Gurley Brown, Kanye West, Ryan Reynolds, Tatum O'Neil, Nicole Richie, Mort Zuckerman, Simon Cowell, Gabriel Byrne, Cynthia Nixon, Jamie Lee Curis, Steve Nash, Ray Nagin, Bette Midler, Seann William Scott, Lleyton Hewitt, Queen Latifah, Kelly Rowland, Mario Cantone, and hooker-lovin' Pat O'Brien.

After the VMAs at Bungalow 8, Axl Rose was there with Sebastian Bach, Sarah Mills, some other celebs, Tommy Hilfiger and a tall blonde. The Olsen twins were there as
well as Fergie from the Black Eyed Peas. The police showed up at 430 and kicked everyone out. As they were shutting the place dow, Ron Jeremy walked in and Diddy and Paris Hilton and Brandon Davis were refused entry as the police were inside.

While buying both People and US Weekly with the cover story, "Jessica: I am in love," i am surrounded by both Vanessa Minillo and Nick Lachey at hudson news at the newark airport. To quote nick at the teen choice awards: awkward! Vanessa was dressed down, but still looked cute wearing sunglasses while inside. Nick was shorter than i expected, but way hot, and was quite nice to a foreign fan who didnt
know the definition of good celebrity etiquette. They didnt touch at all and were not showing any signs of pda, but were still cute together.

I saw Eve and Jessica Simpson at Serafina restaurant... they came seperately but talked briefly. paparazzi were everywhere and they were clearly annoyed.

I saw had a double sighting today at around 4:30pm at Jeffrey: Jessica Simpson and Cintra Wilson ( not together). Jessica was with some beefy dude, looking at clothes, and Cintra was checking out shoes. Oddly, Jessica was scowling and looked miserable and Cintra was smiling and seemed happy. Weird, huh?

Saw Chris Nothat Starbucks on 8th off 5th Avenue, a block away from Washington Square Park, at 1:30PM today. He was on his cell and wearing what appeared to be an ugly ass NASCAR hat.

Nearly ran Usher over as he exited the Starbucks at the Worldwide Plaza on 49th and 8th. He's cute but a bit on the short side. He headed towards the Chicago stage with a female companion who could have been a castmate.

Saw Hillary and Chelsea Clinton at LaGuardia this afternoon. They were (slowly) making their way towards the 3 PM shuttle to Washington. Hillary was wearing a Couric-esque knee-length powder blue coat. She looked very well-preserved. While she shook a few hands, Chelsea stood by and adjusted her extremely expensive-looking leather bag. She was very cute, but not really pretty. They both seemed calm and happy, as they damn well should. God, their clothes looked expensive.

Had breakfast next to Spike Lee at Istana at the Palace hotel this morning. Did not notice what he ate, but it was clearly a business meeting (his guest was scribbling furiously on a Spike Lee notepad) and Lee paid cash for the meal.

I saw Adrien Brody at about 9:45 this morning on 57th Street btw. 10th and 11th Aves. Right across the street from CBS. Had on same outfit from Today show appearance earlier this morning.

I saw Morgan Spurlock this morning, kicking it plebe style- first on the F train, then on Broadway by Prince St.

Mark McGrath (Sugar Ray) was having dinner last night (Sept. 5) at eatery located at 798 9th Avenue wearing a pork pie hat and having a good time.

A colleague and I were making a run to Duane Reade on 57th and Broadway at 3:57 when all of a sudden we heard people yelling Snoop! Snoop!! We turned to our right and there was Snoop Dogg in the passenger seat of a black suped-up SUV buying peanut M&M's from two little kids selling candy! He had his driver stop the car in the middle of Broadway to buy candy from these 11-or-so-year-olds, clearly making their day, if not their entire year!

Monday, 4:45pm. 14th St. & 9th Ave. Paparazzi rushing to get a picture. Knew something good had to be going on and there was! First spotted the very tasty Gavin Rossdale chatting with none other
than Seal. Said to my pals that the wives have to be there too. Got a closer look and sure enough, glamour Gwen Stefani and frau Heidi Klum were having a love fest as well - and they looked amazing. An extra bonus: Kingston (in mama's arms) and Henry (in mama's arms) — l'il Leni was in her stroller napping. A freakin' rock and roll play-date right there on 14th st.!

Spotted Jack Black tonight around 6:30 walking on Prince St. from Lafayette towards Broadway. He was completely non-descript in a white short-sleeved button down, brown pants, and a laptop-sized
manbag. Even though the street was pretty crowded with shoppers, no one noticed or acknowledged him.

A preggy Sofia Coppola buying bread, roses and lettuce at Dean and Deluca in Soho, alone and wearing an oversize pink and white polo shirt. No makeup and very pretty.

Saw a very scrumptious and pleasant Colin Firth at the little grocery store on the corner of Thompson and Prince at about 3 PM on Sunday. I was eyeing the fruit until I heard the ridiculously sexy
British voice of the man himself talking on a cell phone. He looked over and smiled and seemed very charming and lovely. A nice mid-day New York surprise to match the nice weather.

Saw David Byrne riding his bike looking like an old geeky guy on Spring and West Broadway.....

Tuesday around 2:30pm - having lunch with a friend at Fred's in Barneys. In walks a very hot blonde guy who, upon closer inspection, was Wayne Gretzky. He was with his illegal gambling spouse,
Janet Jones, and two teenage boys. Janet's face was pulled way too tight. She still has a great body. No one seemed to recognize them. The Great One was eating frites.

Two nearly simultaneous sightings this morning (Thursday) in the new Hearst building. In the main lobby, the matriarch of Cosmo, Helen Gurley Brown was being escorted up the escalator on the arm of a security guard. She was impeccably dressed in a suit but she looked extremely frail with little toothpick legs.There is no way she would have been steady enough to get up the steep escalator on her own. The front desk security staff seemed to be really kind and doting with her.

Kanye West, girlfriend (nice shoes!) and an assistanty type of guy at mayrose diner on 19th & b'way at 5 pm today...he is cute but cheeks wider than his head from the back when he's she
a golddigger ?

I saw Ryan Reynolds (dee-lish) in the SoHo Apple store (Prince and Greene) at 3p. God is he tall and handsome, is he still engaged?

I saw a very blond, hard and haggard looking Tatum O'Neil rush in to Good Enough To Eat (on 83rd and Amsterdam). She was announcing her presence and desire to be immediately seated, despite the long line out the door. She was denied.

4:00 PM, September 2nd; Freemans: Nicole Richie, with two Eurotrash friends. Hatted, hoodied, and hot. We left before her, so no leads on a potential post-brunch purge. None of my friends believe me, but the two of us were making some serious eye contact. Nicole, let me show you how the other half really lives.

Spotted the Daily Snooze big kahuna Mort Zuckerman, enjoying the haute cuisine at Nobu with his wife at approximately 11:00 PM last evening.

I saw Simon Cowell being ushered into a waiting limo by a bodygaurd on 57th and 7th at 1:00 p.m. on Thursday. You'd think someone with that much money could hire a good stylist.

Saw Gabriel Byrne last night on 8th Ave and 23rd. He was dressed casually, in a black shirt and rumpled plaid pants that looked kind of like pajamas. He looked worn out, but was very patient and
friendly when accosted by a fan.

Passed Cynthia Nixon waiting in line for the bathroom before Mother Courage in Central Park last night. She didn't look like she was in the best mood, but no one did, as the line was eight miles

Just saw Jamie Lee Curtis, decked out in Prada everything (including her roller bag!), in line at US Airways Shuttle to DC. Thought it would be impolite to ask about the whole hermaphodite thing...

I saw Steve Nash today, walking westward down Chambers street, by Hudson street, with keys in hand, wearing a tshirt, basketball jersey shorts & flip flops in the rain. I wanted to get a pic with him
but he looked like he was in a bad mood so I didnt bother accosting him. Way better looking in person, semi-lazy eye and all.

Saw New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin outside the Ritz Carlton Hotel on Madison near 28th street on Sunday September 3 around 4 pm. Looked like he was heading out of the city with the "big hole in the ground."

Hollywood royalty, yesterday on 5th Ave between 95th and 96th Streets...a teeny, tiny Bette Midler standing outside of, then getting on, a snazzy, white tour bus. IMDB'd her and she's almost
61—no way! She looks AMAZING—no make-up, old red suede Puma walking shows, a bright green linen shirt and cropped chinos. Gave me a big smile and hello when I said hi as I walked by.

Seann William Scott got his workout on at the Soho Equinox. Dressed in light green cargos, work boots, and a sleeves sleeves—-he seemed to be totally into the workout zone. Totally nonstop exercise and shut off from all the Equi-not-famous trainers gawking around him. Of course, he was rocking a 60 gig ipod, did his thing, and left. Soon after, most of the Equinox staff left the fitness area. Surprisingly, none of the gym members seemed to care or pay attention to the fact that he was there. But maybe that's because the clientele isn't trying to break into H'wood like the gym's staff!

11:00 AM Friday: Australian tennis star Lleyton Hewitt (with his wife, baby, and I guess coach) is having coffee in the Starbucks in the ground floor of my office building at 120 West 56th Street (between 6th and 7th). He is hot, but such an asshole, and I wanted to "accidentally" spill my latte on him, but refrained.

Saw Queen Latifah at Whole Foods at Columbus Circle. She was with a female friend (her girlfriend?) and a black dude with an afro. She butted in front of us in line. Looked awful without makeup.

I was just at Del Frisco's on 49th & 6th Ave and in walked Kelly Rowland of Destiny's Child w/ her fiance and Beyonce's sister, Solange Knowles (I wonder where B and Jay were?!)!!! Kelly's fiance took pictures w/ a few fans, but other that they looked they were all having a great time!! Also at the same restaurant, Woody Allen was there w/ his daughter/wife.

I saw Mario Cantone on the corner of 14th and 7th ave. Dressed in basic black tee. Spoke in a less exagerated version of his voice that we're used to.

9/5—saw Pat O'Brien outside Le Parker Meridien. Didn't look the usual television chipper—he was either pissed off, deeply concentrating on an important mission, or else I was just seeing his normal non-TV countenance (in which case, leaves something to be desired).