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Merely donning a set of Kevlar wings and having a teamster raise and lower you by rope-and-pulley may not be enough to fully cement your status as Earthbound Angel, but gifted sonbgird and frequent online romance seeker Clay Aiken will soon be able to fully lay claim to the title:

Clay Aiken is in line to be named to the President's Committee for People with Intellectual Disabilities, the White House said Wednesday. [...]

The committee's Web site said it advises the president on issues pertaining to people with intellectual disabilities. The committee was established in 1961 by President John Kennedy as the President's Panel on Mental Retardation.

A White House press release said President Bush intends to make the appointment. Officials did not say when.

We're completely in the dark as to what kind of lobbying is required to convince the White House to appoint a reality show also-ran to such a high-profile and prestigious post. Seeing as the President recently met with American Idol's finalists in the Oval Office, however, we're guessing our leader has a soft spot for the series, and perhaps even sees a little part of himself in the show's judges—a potent, three-part recipe consisting of Simon's unpliable hard-line, Randy's inarticulateness, and Paula's unconditional love of a double bourbon sour.