We lowered the drawbridge: Everyone (witty, useful or fascinating) gets to comment!
We could call it "private beta," but we really kept invite-only comments at Valleywag (and all other Gawker Media titles) because, deep in our fuddy-duddy hearts, we didn't want to admit the wisdom of the crowds. Well, the bridge is down, but there's still a troll underneath.
From now on, even if we never invited you, you can post a comment on Valleywag. Just pick a name and password and make sure your first comment is witty, useful, or fascinating. Then, if we love you, we'll publish it (just like a real commenter!) and we'll let you into the club, no pledge of fealty needed.
Of course, if you get boring or boorish, we'll kick you back out.
Commenters new and old get shiny avatars and profile pages. (Think Facebook without the sororiwhores.) Upload your pretty face or your favorite desecrated corporate logo. Now, my user-generated minions, comment! Comment like the wind!