Rumor Mongering: 50 Cent Arrested? No, Can't Be!

Breaking: We're hearing that Kevlar spokesman and hip-hop role model 50 Cent, innocently driving his silver Lamborghini just like any of us would, has been arrested on the corner of 35th and 8th, possibly for cocaine. Per usual, this is completely uncomfirmed, based on rumor and hearsay — and yet totally believable.
If you know anything more, like whether he was using a $100 bill or a gold-plated straw, don't hesitate to holla.
Update: Visual confirmation; cops apparently had a rough time getting the car started once Mr. Cent was taken away.

More pics after the jump.

UpdateUpdate: Apparently hard-ass 50 was busted for either driving without a license or a bunch of other random, boring violations.