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There is no shortage of Big Hollywood Stars roaming around Toronto's streets for the International Film Festival this week, taking in the tidy sights and throwing around local, toboggan-adorned currency like it's going out of style. But no single celebrity has made a bigger fuss up yonder than Brad Pitt, for whom the entire country has put its contempt of all things American on hold just long enough to grovel at his architecture-loving, poverty-hating altar. A Brad Pitt at TIFF round-up:

· Pitt's Babel press conference appearance was nearly drowned out by the locust-like sound of thousands of camera shutters going off simultaneously. After a moderator asked them to "calm down," Pitt just egged them on by mugging and saying, "You'll all know when you see that photo, when I get arrested for a DUI late at night, make racial slurs or something: 'See, we saw it coming.'" Barely able to restrain himself after stumbling upon this particularly inspired comic riff, Pitt then let out a stream of kissy-noises and honking sounds, as he mimed grabbing hold of the nearest set of sugar tits (see photos). [National Post]

· At the Babel after-party, Pitt stood on a Park Hyatt balcony for the view it afforded of an addition to the Royal Ontario Museum currently under construction and designed by one of his favorite architects, Daniel Libeskind. It leads the actor to wonder out loud, "If the King and Queen of Ontario can greenlight this building, why can't the World Trade Center guys get their shit together and do the same?" [National Post]

· Brad skipped Bill Clinton's 60th birthday bash, but did show up for up for a tribute event to Jeffrey Sachs, one of the world's greatest experts on poverty, being sure to send lots of cameraphone pictures back home to Angelina Jolie of him embracing Sachs with one arm and giving an enthusiastic thumbs up with the other. [Globe and Mail]

· Pitt told reporters that now that he is the father of three impressionable young children, he'll "try and be a little bit more mature" about the roles he takes, presumably in the hopes of avoiding a Christmas future in which a rebellious teen Maddox gifts him with a homemade honey bear bong. [CanWest]