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• The true heroes of September the 11th: those brave souls who manufacture and sell us ridiculous collectibles. [Zulkey]
• Oliver Stone considers a second 9/11 movie. Awesome, because we need more of that great shit. [The Reeler]
• The Taliban celebrates, making Anderson Cooper run a little more than he's comfortable with. [You Tube]
• Adding to the Road to 9/11 docudrama controversy: those bastards didn't even film in the U-S-of-A. [Swanky Beast]

And in non-9/11 "news":
• Coinciding with the launch of Key, its new real estate magazine, the Times kills off its real estate blog, which we totally forgot even existed. And therein lies the problem. [Media Mob]
• College journalists learn to accept junkets. [Jalopnik]
• Richard Branson allegedly makes an ass out of Paris Hilton. Like that's hard. [Evil Beet]
• Getting fired sucks, but having your boss blog about it is just unbearable. [Trump University]
• An "urban version of In Touch" is in the works. Consider our breath held. [Radar]
Post gossip dowager Cindy Adams goes camping with Bonnie Fuller. You couldn't make this shit up if you tried. Also? Judge Judy surprisingly insightful on matters of Adams' mental acuity. [NYP]
• In England, Diddy has lost the right to being Diddy after a music producer, also known as Diddy, sues. While he only has to change his 15th fake name in England, this can only lead to another name change here for the sake of marketing consistency. But what shall he be called? Hmm. Is "fucktard" still available? [AP]