LonelyGirl15 has a name. The YouTube video blogger who acted in a fictional show about a homeschooled religious girl, her daily life, and her boy friend (and got on CNN in the process) was outed as a fake last week when bloggers traced messages and video blog posts back to a Beverly Hills talent agency. This weekend, the still-unnamed creators of the vlog saga posted a forum message admitting that the show was scripted.

Today, three sources turned up info about LonelyGirl15 — now known as 19-year-old L.A. actress Jessica Rose. First, YouTube user mgpapas posted the following photo montage of Rose as herself and as LG15. (Mute it; the soundtrack is "You Are So Beautiful to Me.")

A blog called "Top of the Tube" spread the video and added Rose's resume. Meanwhile, tech blogger Tom Foremski wrote that he found Rose too.

lonelygirl15 revealed : jessica rose aspiring actress [Top of the Tube]