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By Beth Gottfried

The clich goes something like this: hungry film star resorts to desperate, dirty "roles" to break into Hollywood. But what do starving start-up companies do to inflate their reps and get some much-needed publicity with the hopes of breaking into buzz? They pitch their stories ("I'm a pioneer in the New Dot-Com Era!") to anyone — the Times, the Journal, Horse and Hound.

But you do NOT deliver a line like the one Mary Hodder of Dabble (that video search engine start-up — no, that other one) gave to USA Today.

"Bubbly things started happening three, four months ago," says Hodder. "It's exciting."

Ouch. Hodder must be kicking herself over that word choice. But she'll be fine — the readers of USA Today probably don't cringe at the B-word the same way we do.

Silicon Valley starts to party like it's 1999 [USA Today]