· We couldn't live with ourselves if we didn't point you to this Kirk-on-Spock slashtube presentation of "Closer," which stirs up complicated feelings we haven't experienced since that first intergalactic trip on the Startub Enterprise.
Insensitive contextual ad deployment suggests that Anna Nicole Smith might be able to heal her profound pain with a trip to Target.
DJ AM has many, many sneakers. We hope that you are just as excited by this news as we are.
Radar stumps Stephen Baldwin: "Just because I'm born-again doesn't mean I have to have the Ten Commandments memorized. See, that's the bad rap the born-again thing has gotten. What being born-again means for me is that I'm having so much fun in this interview that we're not going to go out and get an 8-ball of blow tonight and go crazy. That's what born again means to me: Inasmuch as I'd like to do that, gosh, I'll just go home and read some scripture with the wife."
· Please, Kiefer, don't ever stop tackling Christmas trees. The world needs more Christmas tree tracklers, not fewer. [fourth item]
· TVGasm once again unleashes the Chenbot.