Behold Your Idolator

We were so dazzled by Gawker Media spanking new music industry blog Idolator's logo—it's exactly what we picture Lindsay Lohan's cigarette case looks like moments after she leans over to blow a rail off its cover—that we almost forgot to devour the delicious groupie-candy content and savvy industry analysis within. The official blurb: "When the internet came, we overthrew the pasty white tastemakers, the duplicitous music marketers and the manufactured pop idols. And then they all came back. This is Idolator. We're so disappointed." (The full manifesto is here.) Frequent Spin and Blender contributor Brian Raftery is your editor, Maura Johnston is your associate editor, and both are out to overhaul that oft-quoted Zappa notion that "rock journalism is people who can't write interviewing people who can't talk for people who can't read." Rock blogging may be all that too, but at least you can participate in the proceedings naked and from the comfort of your own home.