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We asked, and you answered. Presenting the New York City Subway Smell Map, created with the able assistance of Gawker readers universe-wide. We've separated hundreds of reader smell reports into ten distinct categories of aromas: food, feces, vomit, sewage, perfume, alcohol, you name it. Glide your mouse over any subway station on the map to see the station name, subway lines, and smell categories. Click, and the popup expands to reveal Zagat-style excerpts from actual reader reports. Careful study and rote memorization of the smell map will allow you to navigate the subway system without even opening your eyes. Of course, you'll have to train your nose to distinguish the local urine varietals at each station, but that's a small price to pay. Note also that the map remains open to future submissions for stations not yet covered or stations currently under-covered. All due props to consummate mapmaker Will James at onNYTurf for use of his elegant subway map. Enjoy this finely interactive and cartographic work of investigative service journalism.

UPDATE: Hey, look, the map is fixed! Now it really works really well. For reals.

Gawker New York City Subway Smell Map