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Page Six got an advance peek at an interview with Alec Baldwin in the upcoming issue of GQ, in which the 30 Rock scene-stealer rattles off at the mouth in the way that grumpy, over-the-hill leading men so often tend to do. After sharing some choice words about ex-wife Kim Basinger and her lawyer, Judy Bogen (whom he describes as an unlikely "300-pound homunculus,"), he then offers some backhanded support for Tom Cruise:

"I think what's been done to Tom is kind of silly. I don't really understand Tom's religious beliefs; nor do I want to. All I know is I don't see people who are disciples of Tom's faith driving planes into the World Trade Center. When Scientologists start crashing planes into the Pentagon, then I think we should sit Tom down and have a grand jury talk to him. In the meantime, let's just leave him alone."

We're relieved the actor has at last set up some easy-to-follow guidelines for acceptable thresholds of tolerance among those faiths that manage to fall through the Judeo-Christian cracks: Until one of Scientology's many hovering motherships enters our atmosphere and does permanent damage—accidentally or otherwise—to any of our many national landmarks, its adherents should be free to go about their daily auditing rituals without reproach.