HBO Breaks Up With Louis C.K., Assures Him He's Still Pretty

It looks like HBO has decided that its bold attempt to add the ability to repeatedly use the word "cunt," show flaccid male genitalia, and depict a schlubby TV husband pumping away at his sexually frustrated wife to the traditional, multicamera sitcom genre has failed, as they've announced that they've canceled Lucky Louie after just one season. TV Week relates the network's heartfelt expression of admiration for the boundary-pushing comedian they just shitcanned:
"Louis is an incredible talent and a wonderful partner," said Carolyn Strauss, president of HBO Entertainment, in a statement. "We loved trying our first multicamera show with him, and we look forward to other projects with Louis in the future."
An HBO spokesperson said the network has no specific projects currently planned with Louis C.K.
Even if HBO's "we love Louis C.K. so much that we have no concrete plans to give him another job any time soon" sentiment seems a little bit insincere, it's still a more humane break-up than the way they dumped the clingy Lisa Kudrow, who had to sit by the phone for an entire summer before figuring out that it wasn't going to ring again.