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How would you describe former Rocketboom host Amanda Congdon in this picture? Is she really passionate about driving cross-country on some environmentalist-sponsored road trip that landed her in Good magazine? Or is she relatively unemployed and desperate for the world not to forget that she's got a decent rack? To decide, let's look at some of quotes from her latest video blog entry:

• "I'm really excited about...meeting all these bloggers and politicians and environmentalists along the way!"

• "C'mon, interact with me, y'all!"

• "I am just so happy to be back!"

• "Are you ready? Are you READY? Are you ready to rock? C'mon people! Cmon, you know you wanna come along. You know you wanna come along!"

And so on. By the time she starts flailing like an epileptic at a dance party, her situation is pretty clear.

And So, It Begins [AmandaAcrossAmerica]