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  • Yarrr, talk like a pirate today. Especially if you work at Bittorrent. [Talk Like a Pirate Day]
  • Take the afternoon off to see TechReach International demonstrate rapid communications deployment in a simulated emergency situation. Starts at 1 in Intuit's parking lot. [Upcoming]
  • Are you the kind of sicko who goes to Stones concerts to see if Mick will finally have a heart attack on stage? Then get a front seat for MobiTV's talk at the MIT/Stanford Venture Lab, "Television Breaks Out of the Box: The Mad Rush to go Mobile." When will MobiTV's founders realize, "Holy shit, I just got another $70 million in financing, and I have to give my investors at least a double return on that," causing their brains to spontaneously combust? Maybe onstage, and you'll be left to tell the tale! [MIT/Stanford VLAB]
  • The dull title of "New Trends in Media Distribution" belies the fun that videoblogger Irina Slutsky (of Geek Entertainment TV) and GigaOM tech blogger Liz Gannes bring to tonight's panel in downtown San Francisco. [Upcoming]