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Beware: It seems that Harvey Weinstein has finally cloned himself. It's unclear how many Harvey multiples have been released into the wild, but once he gets up to four, no one will be safe.
Cracked mocks up some t-shirts for those who find an episode of Best Week Ever taxes their feelings of nostalgia.
· One of the secret perks of being a famous actress is that you can always find a gallery willing to hang your bad art.
Amazingly, L.A. didn't rate on Gridskipper's poll of sexiest cities. Don't fake tits and lip collagen count for anything anymore? [Warning: the chart is sort of gross and NSFW]
Lost's producers discourage skinny dipping, afraid that the paparazzi might capture a picture of Dominic Monaghan's naughty hobbit parts.
· George Lucas has been named the Grand Marshal of the Rose Parade, where the director's prodigious neck-wattle will be decorated with flowers and used as a float.