Ever since the MisShapes party vamoosed, downtown hellmouth Luke & Leroy has been strugglin' a little. Its Saturday-night MisShapes party replacement, Rated X, goes straight for the gonads with enthusiastic amateur nudity. The hipsters are still drawn in droves, MisShapes or no; many probably haven't even noticed the change in party management. Except that they take their clothes off a lot. For money. Unfortunate Gawker videographer Richard Blakeley recorded the hoopla surrounding their most recent (and highly debatable) "Best Body" contest. Top prize went to a twee young male carrying neither body fat nor shame, while the gal Richard brought to the gala went to his roommate after one drink. Drama! Oh yes, did we mention the boobies? They're there. The clip's NSFW, if you haven't figured that out yet.