New York Observer owner Jared Kushner may have enjoyed this schmooze with Marisa Tomei and Lili Taylor last month, but one skirt he's definitely not chasing is that of GOP state attorney general candidate Jeanine Pirro. Kushner's presence on a "host committee" for a Pirro breakfast isn't really a level of intimacy he's, y'know, comfortable with right now:

Kushner said his appearance on a Pirro host committee was a "miscommunication" between his office and Pirro's, and that he's not giving money to candidates in his new, media mogul capacity.

A Pirro campaign source says they were under the impression, from a conversation with Kushner, that he'd given his support.

No means no, Jeanine.

Kushner, De-Pirroed [NYDN]
[Photo: Getty Images]