Mark Harris Leaving Listicle Bible

Though we don't much follow the inner machinations of Entertainment Weekly, this might be worth noting: Mark Harris, the only remaining EW staffer who's been on board since founder Jeff Jarvis delivered it from his womb, is leaving the magazine in order to work on a book. There's no official departure date, but the underlings, many of whom actually care about the publication (such earnestness is unheard of nowadays, don't you think?) are already said to be sniffly about his resignation. Currently Harris serves as editor-at-large, but he's also functioned as the staff's spiritual leader, guiding them through the murky waters of Jay-Z and Eva Longoria covers and reminding them, when needed, of what the magazine is supposed to be all about. (Granted, this should be the job of the EIC, but Harris has some sort of Yoda-like hold over the staff.) We can't really tell you what this means, if anything, for the future of the mag — but without Harris' input, assigning a letter grade to the next Seann William Scott movie will be sheer hell.