Who do the to-do?
Finding stuff to do in Silicon Valley is hard. But whenever I go a few days without running one of the Valleywag to-do posts, someone e-mails me. "You'll do a to-do today, right? I need to know what parties to go to!"
So do I. And talented Valleywag intern Beth Gottfried is all the way up in Boston. That's why Valleywag needs an Official Party And Other Type of Technology-Related Event Person to write the blog's to-do posts. To start, we'll want about three to-do posts a week (with the writer's name attached), each post including three to six events that Valleywag readers would be into.
To apply, e-mail me (subject line "Can I do the to-do?" with a story of a bad event you attended, or the names of three good events Valleywag readers should attend in the next four weeks. Feel free to link to your blog.