A series of news-search accidents lead us to this article and accompanying photo of "[h]ome improvement blogger, Bill Chapman, and his wife, Gay." Nothing against the Chapmans, or homes, or improvements, but this photo is really the last straw. Torturously posed photos of bloggers with laptops have become so common, so de rigueur, that we just roll over and accept them now. Bill Chapman is bloggin' right from that sawhorse! Lookit, he's bloggin' about drywall now. No more complacency. We want to assemble a gallery of these photos for public ridicule. Maybe we'll run a poll, or a contest, or just a hall of shame. Regardless, send your major media bloggers-with-laptops photos to nolaptop@gmail.com. Remember, we're looking for pose. Bloggers at conferences don't count, nor any other situation when the subject might actually be blogging. We want photos that bleed artifice, and we only want them from consequential media organizations or blogs associated with same. A few examples after the jump.

An early in-house classic from the New York Times, circa 2003. Gawker bossman Nick Denton points at link swallower Kinja for the benefit of bloggers Meg Hourihan and Peter Rojas. They're not blogging right at this second, but oh yeah, they're gonna.

Yes, we're returning both to the NYT and Gawker wells, but this one's worth it — a 2004 cover from the NYT Magazine with old-school reporters R.W. Apple (NYT) and Jack Germond (Baltimore Sun) looking on suspiciously as Ana Marie Cox, then of Wonkette, bathes in the purifying glow of blog.

This, though, remains our goofy favorite. It's from a Los Angeles Times story on bloggers from the end of 2005. That's Heather Schlegel of Heathervescent, blogging from a precarious pose on the edge of a rooftop.

And we could go on. Mind you, these poses are rarely the fault of the photographed bloggers, but we don't really care either way. Pose is key, the more pretentious the better. If you've spotted any others, send in your links/photos to nolaptop@gmail.com, and we'll share the painlove.