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A special, if not incredibly miniscule, sighting:

"Saw clever Jossip editor Corynne Steindler wandering about the Post offices the other day; she went in to Richard Johnson's office and it seemed that they weren't just chit-chatting for the hell of it. Not a social call — maybe Johnson's still looking to poach a talented up-and-comer from a hot property. She's much shorter in person."

We contacted Steindler, who wanted to make it very, very clear that she was just begging for money. "It was an informal interview about future opportunities with the Post," she says.

Update: And by future opportunities, she means totally going and working for Page Six full-time, which she feels is really no big deal, just the same sort of work she's doing now. Hate to break it to you, honey, but around P6 they wear pants — actually, that's not necessarily true, so she'll be fine. Mazel tov!