It is our incredible pleasure to inform you on behalf of our merchandising-obsessed management that the Gawker Shop (visit it here online, or our other, less convenient location, the trunk of a car stalled near the valet stand at Hyde) has finally—finally!—restocked its supply of two of its billion-selling t-shirts models, the It's Not Whoring If You Do It For Free (pictured—and isn't that so, so true?), and the Quietly Judging You. But there's even better news: the shirts are now available in larger sizes, an attempt to better accommodate your recent pectoral or breast augmentation surgeries. As always, these shirts are backed by the Gawker Shop Guarantee: If you don't achieve international superstardom within fifteen years of your purchase, our boss will personally refund your money.* Consume!

[*In 2006 US dollars]