• Michel Gondry finally puts you in a darkened room with Gael Garcia Bernal. Try not touch yourself while watching The Science of Sleep, which opens tonight. [flavorpill]
• Fake priests, Jews for Jesus and a man who claims to be Christ remind you of your sinful ways in The Gods of Times Square, Richard Sandler's 1999 documentary about your not-so-friendly neighborhood street preachers. [Paper]

• Sharon Stone says Hillary Clinton has "sexual power," prompting Daniel Edwards to sculpt a clay bust of the former first lady in a strapless bra. It's not what you want to see, but it's still less traumatic than Britney Spears giving birth on a bearskin rug. [Museum of Sex]
• White collar workers unleash their inner child with a series of games, like iPod tag, flashlight tag, and a cell phone scavenger hunt. Ten extra points if you narrowly avoid getting hit by a taxi. [Come Out and Play]

• Oh my gawd!!! The Flaming Lips perform at the Hammerstein Ballroom. Scour CraigsList for cheap tickets, or arrive dressed as a giraffe and they'll probs just let you in. [Upcoming]