Bloggers with Laptops: Gallery of a Pose

We respectfully requested you join us in objecting to a tired media trope — bloggers awkwardly posed with laptops in a way meant to communicate the essence of blogginess — and we received many amens. Plenty of forgotten classics out there, each more grating than the last. Tighten up your angry-gland and journey after the jump for an annotated voyage through this vale of irritation. We'd like to stress again that we're not so much mocking the subjects of these photos, as we are protesting this tired, dorky setup. Beware one small bit of NSFWness in the traditional sense.

Another in-house special we'd be remiss not mentioning, so let's just get it out of the way. The New York Times covers the blogging, humbugging of. Watch for this article to be recycled for the fourth time in early 2007. Pictured are estimable former Gizmodo honcho Joel Johnson, Gawker Media owner/operator Nick Denton, Lifehacker's Gina Trapani, our own Jessica Coen, and Gawker editorialissimo Lockhart Steele. (To see thrilling action video of Lockhart blogging, check here.)

From earlier this year, Wonkette's own Alex Pareene in Washington Square News. There's a laptop, but Alex is clearly not even looking at it, focusing instead on the beers and precious cigarette, as is proper.

From the Detroit News, Ryan Sult and Gary Blackwell from Motorcityrocks. Let them show you how they're blogging!

It's Markos Moulitsas of Daily Kos, giving you the death-stare from the blogger "tank" at the Republican Convention in New York. This New York Times Magazine shot looks like it might be candid, but we're assured it ain't. Blogger scandal!

Behold the legendary Glamour shot of Heather Armstrong, a.k.a. Dooce. Nice doggie! Doggie want to go fetch blog?

Ah, the "Supine Chicks of Blogging" spread. This honoree is fan fave foodblogger Pim Techamuanvivit of Chez Pim, shown last year in Observer Food Monthly. We're not sure if this is an illustrated blogger fantasy or the blogger fantasy life imagined by blog readers, but either way, it's super cute.

Speaking of blogger fantasies, here's the much-enjoyed "Blogger Pajama Party" from Fashion Week Daily. Blog-kittens on offer include Melissa Lafsky, Heather Hunter, Brooke Parkhurst, Rachel Sklar, Jessica Cutler, and Mimi Foe. Only Hunter is doing laptop duty, but all are nevertheless guilty by association.

And speaking of Jessica Cutler, this duo pretty much says it all. On the left, a press photo of the coyly clothed Washingtonienne; on the right, one of the shots from her Playboy spread. That sexy naked blogging sure makes the posts so much hotter somehow. We are totally naked posting this, right now. You should see the photo.