Next steps for Hewlett-Packard

HP's chairwoman resigned from the board — at least she'll always be a Hall-of-Famer — and CEO Mark Hurd will immediately replace her. Here's what comes next:
- CEO and now-chairman Mark Hurd (pictured here in his "Dad will make it all okay" glasses) will internally investigate HP's shady investigation, distancing himself from the scandal that got his predecessor kicked out.
- He'll also appear before a hearing of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, which "invited" him but was just given the right to subpoena if necessary.
- Dunn will appear before the same committee.
- HP stock could continue to recover, as it already has since Hurd announced Dunn's resignation.
- California Attorney General Bill Lockyer will continue investigating who broke the law when hired investigators impersonated phone customers to get their records.
- HP will find a different outside counsel for that investigation. News source Cal Law reports that HP fired Wilson Sonsini, law firm of Silicon Valley power lawyer Larry Sonsini, from this case while retaining it for other work.
HP chair Dunn resigns [Mercury News]
Hewlett Chairwoman Dunn Resigns [AP at New York Times]