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· CTV aired the wrong episode of Grey's Anatomy last night, leaving fans completely unable to figure out how they were supposed to feel about the Skinny Bitch/Dr. McDreamy relationship this week.
SNL's Lorne Michaels prefers to think of cast members he lets go as plants in an "overgrown garden" that have to be "pruned," not as "expendable actors that have to be shitcanned to make his budget." Yeah, we can see why he prefers the gardening angle.
· People asks: Is Kate Bosworth too thin? We answer: It depends. Can you see her ribs through a wool sweater yet?
NBC runs VeggieTales through its network juicer, squeezing out all the Jesus-y nutrients in the process.
· We foolishly thought the idea of judges is fundamentally incompatible with the idea of Paris Hilton, but Above the Law has somehow found a way to mash them together.
· We suggest the term "upper decker" to describe this kind of cheap-seats hummer.